Winchester During COVID-19

“Distant Horizons” quilt by Denise Konicek

We are living through an historic moment, one that will shape our lives for many years to come. Join us in creating a permanent record of this time in Winchester.

Winchester During COVID-19 aims to be a central gathering point for community narratives, images, videos, art, and other records of the impact of COVID-19 on life, work, family, and business. 

Some examples of ways to share your story include journals and narratives, poetry, photographs, video, social media posts. Please upload your digital files using the form on the right. You may also submit paper originals to the Archival Center, 71 Mt. Vernon Street, Winchester, MA 01890.

If you have a larger collection of materials you wish to donate or questions about the project, please contact Ellen Knight, Town Archivist, at

This project is an initiative of the Winchester Archival Center in collaboration with:

  • Interested residents
  • Jenks Center
  • Network for Social Justice
  • WinCAM
  • Winchester Historical Society
  • Winchester Public Library
  • Winchester Public Schools Service Learning

Submissions that support the project’s mission will be added to the  permanent collections of the Winchester Archival Center.

Thank you for helping us make history!

Download the form if you need to mail in your submission.

Winchester During COVID-19: Preserving Our Story Submission Form

  • Allowed file types are .jpg, .png,.gif, .pdf, .doc, .mp3, .wav, .mp4, .mov, .wmv. Videos should be no longer than 3 minutes. If you need to submit another file type or a longer video, please mail directly to the Archival Center , 71 Mt. Vernon St, Winchester, MA 01890.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, mp3, wav, mp4, mov, wmv, Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 3.
    • Approximation is fine. If submitting multiple items, please specify what date corresponds with what item.
    • Approximation is fine. If submitting multiple items, please specify which location corresponds with which item.
    • Are you the sole creator of these materials? IMPORTANT: Each co-creator must fill out this form in order for the item to be accepted by the archives. However, only one co-creator is required to upload the file.
    • By contributing content to Winchester Archival Center and/or the Winchester Public Library you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, and worldwide license, in perpetuity, to host, use, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of your content. If the content does not fit within the collecting parameters of either the Winchester Archival Center or the Winchester Public Library we retain the right to not use the content. Neither organization is under no obligation to include your content in this project or preserve it in perpetuity.