Elaine’s Movie Picks
Are you running out of ideas for what to watch? Try one of these suggestions from Elaine the Reference Librarian. Click the title to be…
January YA Releases
January is full of exciting new YA releases. All of the books below have been ordered and are available for you to place on hold. …
New Year, Same Fabulous You
This is the time of year when we’re bombarded by messages telling us to start over, to get better, to embrace change and to reinvent…
Artful Resolutions
As we exit the simultaneous wonder and frenzy of the holiday season, this can be an excellent time to look ahead to the coming year…
Noon Year’s Eve Celebration!
It’s (definitely) time to bid farewell to 2020! Let’s stay home and celebrate the start of a brand new year with a Noon Year’s Eve…
Comfort Cooking Movies
Cooking is so much more than just find something, heat, chew, and swallow. The act of cooking transforms food into an expression of the soul.…
Snowy Art and Snowy Stories
For many little ones, the arrival of snow is one of the most magical times of year. Take advantage of this natural art material and…
Give the Gift of Books 2020
The holiday season is upon us, and your Winchester Public Librarians have created a “best of 2020” booklist for anyone who’s doing some last minute…
Looking in Bookshops!
If you are like me you just can’t resist a visiting a bookshop! A bookshop and the public library are among the first stops for…
Boarding School Novels
Is it just me or does boarding school sound like a GREAT idea right now? While I’m sure boarding school is totally fine and very…