updated October 22
Auto Renewal
Eligible items will renew automatically two days before they are due if no one else is waiting for them. You can also renew items yourself or monitor your account by logging into your online account.
Due Dates & Late Fees
If you have recently checked out a book, your due date will be on the receipt in your bag. You’re welcome to return books to our book drop or renew them.
If you can’t renew your items or they are not eligible to renew, don’t worry. We will be waiving any late fees through the end of the year.
Returning Books
You can return books to our book drop located in the parking lot. We do quarantine items upon return so they may stay checked out to you for a few days after you return them, but all fines are being waived.
Staying home?
You can still get digital books, audiobooks, movies & music for free from the library. Explore your options at winpublib.org/collections.
You can also contact us about home delivery. Whether you are experiencing a short or long-term reason that makes getting to the library difficult, we’re happy to bring books to you. Visit winpublib.org/delivery for details.
No library card?
Get started with an e-card that gives you full access to our digital library at library.minlib.net/selfreg.
And you can still give us a call at 781-721-7171 with any questions you might have.
Books on hold?
Holds are suspended right now. We can’t get delivery from other libraries so no new items are coming in and nothing can go out. If something is waiting for you on our hold shelf, it will remain there until we open back up. If you don’t mind e-books, we’re adding more to that collection for now to help people get access to reading materials.
I am quarantined until about a week after my book is due, which is after the library reopens. Will the late fee still be waived?
Absolutely! Just let us know when you return the items otherwise we won’t know.
Can I return books from Woburn library at this branch ?
Yes you can! You can return (almost) any item from another Minuteman library to the Winchester Public Library. For a complete list of Minuteman Network Libraries, please see this link: https://www.minlib.net/our-libraries