Visit our Kids Calendar for access and more information. Our Virtual Storytime Playlist is also always available on our YouTube page.

Step into Storytime – Tuesdays at 10:30am (September-May): Children of all ages are invited to attend step into storytime! We’ll read, sing, and laugh, at this program geared specifically for children ready to step into school. No registration required.
Itsy Bitsy Readers – Wednesdays at 12:00pm and 1pm (all year): Parents and caregivers of infants*, join us for songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and stories perfectly geared toward our littlest readers and their grown-ups. You’ll learn ways to develop your child’s early literacy skills, and we’ll leave a little time at the end of each session for participants to chat with each other. No registration required. *Please note this program is for children who are not yet walking independently.
Books & Building – Wednesdays at 3:30p (September-May): Join us for an afternoon of stories and building. We will read a story or two, and then have materials for an open ended building challenge. For ages 3-6. No registration required.
Pattycake Place – Thursdays at 11am (all year): Join us for songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and stories geared toward little readers. We will continue to develop your child’s early literacy skills, and you’ll get to meet other parents and caregivers. Storytime for the first 15 minutes, free play for the last 30 minutes. For children ages 2 and under. No registration required.
Shake Rattle and Read – Fridays at 10:30am (all year): Kids ages 2 and 3 join us for a musical storytime! We’ll make music with some fun instruments, and read some rockin’ good books too! No registration required.